Even though we thought we’d finished with all the packing and that the holiday could finally begin, we still had quite a few errands to run before we could leave Brisbane, including removing the tow bar for sale.
Finally left Brisbane around 4pm and started on the drive north. The drive wasn’t without incidents. We were getting low on fuel and I decided to get fuel at the next fuel station that we came across. The fuel light came on, and then nearly 40 kms later we finally came across a fuel station. Strangely, the 1982 Brisbane Commonwealth Games mascot, Matilda, was there on display (so we took a photo). The other incident was the wiring for the trailer plug was resting on the hot exhaust, causing the fuse for the indicators and hazard lights to blow. It took a while to work out, but with the help from some of the members on Delicaclub we were able to find the damage.
We finally rolled in to Ryan and Matilda’s house in Tannum Sands around 11:45pm and passed out from exhaustion in the comfort of their spare bed. Yes, another night not spent in the van!
2日 Carina Heights-Tannum Sands
今日のゴールは、5月15日の予定では、夜の6時までにロスのいとこのライアンとマチルダ夫妻が住んでいるGladstoneという町の隣のTannum Sandsのお家に到着すること。 Tannum Sandsまでは、車で6時間なので、お昼までに出発できれば楽勝だったんだけど、やはーり何かとブリスベンを離れる前までにやらなければならない事が、大量発生。。 ブリスベン市内をグルグル運転しまくって、なんとブリスベンをようやく離れることができたのが、午後4時すぎ、、、しょっぱなから4時間遅れとなりました。
途中Gimpyという町で、夕食をとり、(時間がなかったので、今晩はファストフードのBroodie.ローストチキンとスイートポテトチップスには、1週間分の摂取量の塩がかかってて全部食べれなかった。。。) 暗闇を突き進みました。
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