I’d forgotten how good the Wolf Creek movie was. I do wonder if it’s put many/any tourists off Australia… It was interesting having been here now comparing some parts of the story, like how far it is from Halls Creek, or that the car park is a five-minute walk to the top of the crater (and fifteen to the center), not three hours as shown in the movie. Haters gonna hate.
In the never-ending drama of running repairs, the exterior sliding door handle stopped working yesterday, so before we got going this morning, I pulled the door apart to try and investigate. The part of the handle that actuates the door open lever has cracked, but not completely broken, so I tried patching it up with some of that kneadable epoxy putty.
During breakfast we saw some Major Mitchell cockatoos having an argument with some crows. I’ve talked about how cool they are to Risa for quite some time, so she was ecstatic to finally see one (albeit from a distance). We read yesterday that they liked to eat from some of the trees in the center of the crater, so that’s where we headed after breakfast. Sure enough, as we got to the rim of the crater we could see four birds in a tree in the center. But, they were pretty shy – every time I nearly got close enough for a photo, they flew off to another tree. We gave up eventually… Oh, and for those who don’t know what a Major Mitchel cockatoo is, it’s a pink/red/orange version of a regular cockatoo (I’m sure there is more to it than just that).
The center of the crater was pretty cool, too. You can actually see all the evaporated salt (and we verified with our tongues that it was indeed salty).
The inner crater wall was so much steeper than the outer – it almost felt like a semi-vertical scramble in places.
Now, it was a 130km drive on dusty roads to get back to the Great Northern Highway, which the ever insightful Karl Pilkington would have called The Alright Northern Highway (Risa decided it’s the Great Northern Boreway). It was a long and boring drive, with very little to break up the monotony. There were no towns between Halls Creek and Fitzroys Crossing, and very little else either.
We did see a sign for a photo vantage point 500m along the road, and incredibly curious what it could be, as all we could see were flat and boring savannah to either side of the road. I also needed to put fuel from a can into the tank, so it was ideal timing. This little (I don’t know, what would you call it, a flood plain?) wasn’t anything that we would normally bother to get excited about, but after the flat grassy plains, it was a nice distraction.
However, there was one awesome set of rocky mesas a little over half way, but there was no shoulder or safe place to pull over, and I had cars right up my arse. I still can’t believe that they didn’t have a little area to pull over and view them… they were spectacular (at least I think they were, I was a little preoccupied with trying to drive).
And that’s about it. We arrived at Fitzroys Crossing just as the sun was setting, and were lucky enough to have a free cold shower at the petrol station! It’s amazing how much red dust you can wash off after just one night…
Dinner tonight is a little random, mostly because I wanted to clear some of the food in the rear of the car. We have been carrying around a can of baked beans that my brother left in the cupboard after he moved out. So, I combined that with some boiled eggs and buttered bread – it felt like a very English breakfast. Risa went the opposite direction and had an Asian dinner – bok choy and some kind of crab flavoured rice noodle. To make mine more balanced, I also had some bok choy.
Oh, and stars were beautiful again. This is a boab tree that we parked next to in the RAAF Boab Quary free campsite.
78日目 7月30日 (火曜日) クレーター探検とひたすらドライブ
話のあらすじは、イギリス人の女の子2人とオーストラリア人の男の子1人が、ブルームからケアンズまで旅行をする予定で出発し、ウルフクリークに立ち寄った際に車が故障。 感じの良い、ザ オーストラリア人のおじさんが修理をしてくれるんだけど、そのおじさん、実はっ!!!!
ってなお話。 特にオーストラリア人にとってコワイのは、このおじさん役の人は、ロスが子供の頃よく見てたオーストラリア版のっぽさんみたいな人でちょういい人キャラだから、それがさらに怖いらしい。
もし興味があったら見てみてください。 人間不信になって、車旅行に行きたくなくなるかも笑
動物園かどっかでは、たしか見た事がある気がするけど、野生のは初めてで、ずっと見てみたかったので大感動♥ どうやらこのクレーターの底のリング状に生えてる木に、彼らの大好物のお花の木があるらしい。。
そんな素敵な出会いから始まった1日♫ 今日もいい日だぁー!
出発前にクレーターの底を探検してきました。 50mと浅いですが、急な岩ごっつごつのトラック(というか無理やり降りれる様にしたっぽい)を降りると、辺りは背の低い草が広がっていて、 すこし進むと昨日上から見たようにリング状に木が生えていました。 そして、先ほどと同じか分からないけど、メイジャーミッチェルが4羽ちょっと遠いけど、木にとまっていました♥
試しにほんのちょっとなめてみたら、しょっぱい! やっぱ本当に塩です笑
なにが一番最悪かって、現在エアコンが壊れていて、日向の体感気温40℃以上。なので、窓全開で走行しなきゃならないけど、土ぼこりがすごいので、車のどこからでも、土が入り込んでくる!! ベッド、バッグ、なにから何まで赤い土だらけ〜。 そして自分たちも土まみれ〜
ハイウェイに戻った後も、さらに隣の町まで287km。 とくに見所もない退屈な道だったので、すごーーく長く感じました。
しかしラッキーな事に、ガソリンスタンドでトイレに行ったらシャワーがあった! お店の人に聞くと、ボイラーが壊れてて、お湯がでないのでタダとのこと。 外はまだ暑いしこの際、この忌々しい赤土を洗い流せれば幸せです! とのことで今日はタダシャワー♫ わーい。 しかも極寒の北海道と違って、水っていってもちょっとぬるいから全然平気でした。 体洗った後の泡が赤土色をしていた。。。
ザ 白人メニューとザ アジア人なメニューになりました笑
Eli Lindner
That tree photo certainly is pretty.