20130702_RCH_7947I stayed up a little late trying my hardest to get some interesting night sky photos with the marbles… Bit difficult in the dark finding a place to shoot… So, gave up and watched the end of season 3 of Game of Thrones (probably kept the neighbours up, as the whole camp was dark and silent when we finished the last episode about 10:30PM…)

20130703_RCH_8165 20130703_RCH_8168 20130703_RCH_8180 20130703_RCH_8185 20130703_RCH_818920130703_RCH_8198Nature’s alarm clock woke me up about 10 minutes before the sun peeked over the horizon, so I quickly put on some pants (and a jumper) and grabbed my camera and looked for a place to photograph. I was having an inner conversation with myself about the challenges of this morning. Normally a national park landmark has a few angles that it looks good from, and there are usually limited ways of accessing and viewing that. All of this limits the way you can photograph it. But here, it was the complete opposite. I had free reign to walk and photograph the entire area however I chose – and that limitless freedom was difficult! There were too many possibilities. Unbounded creative freedom is a weird experience.

20130703_RCH_8194Anyway, it was great fun climbing the boulders, walking between sets of boulders looking for the perfect ones. They stretched away from the road as far as I could see. Cravings for breakfast brought it to an end.

20130703_RCH_8204Also odd was how confined the boulders were. Driving along the Stuart Highway it was 100s of kilometres of nothing, nothing, nothing, a kilometre of boulders that stretched back up the valley for as far as I could see, then back to flat and un-noteworthy nothingness.

It was to be a long and fairly uneventful day of driving today… 530km north along the Stuart Highway to the historic Daly Waters Pub.

20130703_RCH_8269 20130703_RCH_8271100km north of the marbles is the town of Tennant Creek. The town was much bigger than I’d have thought for a population of 3000. Notable features – Peko Road! (Long story – nickname I was given when an apprentice ‘Rosco Peko Train’ from Dukes of Hazard – yes, I now know it’s Rosco P. Coltrane). They also had all these tiny mining/digging carts around town. They were so tiny and cute! Almost too small and cute to have been useful. A little different to the enormous mining trucks in the open-cut mines.

20130703_RCH_8274 20130703_RCH_8281 20130703_RCH_8286Just north of town was a historic old telegraph repeater station. I had no idea how early trans-continental telegraph lines were installed (they could communicate with U.K. via Java back in 1870! – though it would take 7 hours to relay a single message…).

The driving was boring. The scenery barely changed. Long, straight and flat.

20130703_RCH_8289 20130703_RCH_8290I judged the distance a little poorly, and the sun set nearly an hour before we arrived at the pub. We grabbed a quick pub dinner (Chicken parmigiana for me, and beef schnitzel for Risa – mine was pretty good, hers… yeah… not so awesome). There was live entertainment with a bushman telling tales, making jokes and singing songs. Not bad, brought more than a few smiles to my face, certainly better than silence.

20130703_RCH_8291 20130703_RCH_8292 20130703_RCH_8293 20130703_RCH_8294 20130703_RCH_8295The pub is another one of those pubs that have been plastered in souvenirs of travellers – ID cards, underwear, bras, badges, thongs (flip-flops), hats, money, you get the point. It feels a little more commercial than some of the others, but still interesting to slowly look through. The place was overrun with Grey Nomads.

51日目 7月 3日(火)長距離移動とDaly waters Hotel

今日は、ひたすら目的地のDaly watersまで530km走行しました。 途中でTennant Creekで給油とランチ、そして140年程前につくられた古いテレグラム(モールス信号)所がそのまま残っている場所を訪れました。


それにしても、1番驚いたのは、140年前にすでにイギリスとオーストラリアの間には、海中ケーブルが通っていて、通信をしていたということ! オーストラリアにイギリスから白人が移住し始めたのが、たった150年前。そう考えるとオーストラリアは、ものすごいスピードで発展したのですね。

今晩は、Daly watersという場所にある有名な、Daly waters Hotel内のキャラバンパークに泊まりました。 オーストラリアとイギリスでは、Pub(パブ)

はHotelといいます。パブは地元の人々が集う場所、そして旅人が宿泊する場所。 昔から地元の人々と旅人が情報交換、それぞれのストーリを分かち合う大切な場所で、オーストラリアには、どんな小さな町でもたいていこのHotelといわれる場所があります。(病院はなくてもパブはある!)

このDaly waters Hotelは、1930年創業。なかなか歴史のあるパブです。今は、この辺りには人は住んでいないので地元の人が集う場所ではありませんが、今でも北と南を結ぶ、スチュワートハイウェイを旅行する旅人に大人気の集いの場所です。

店内は、バーとレストランに分かれており、バーには、世界中からここを訪れた人々の身分証明書(学生証、古い免許証などなど)や、帽子、ステッカー、T—シャツ、そしてブラやパンツ笑 などなど様々なものが壁に隙間なくびっしりとランダムに飾られて?います。

愉快なおじさんの(名前は、Chilliチリさんだったかな) のショーが始まりました。 メインは、カントリー歌手ですが、トークがそこらのコメディアンよりおもしろかったです。 ご飯は私のは、期待はずれだったけど、おじさんのショーがとっても楽しかった!!



