A rainy start to the morning, which sadly looks to be the same for the next week. I had to race out of bed to pull our sheets off the washing line and hope that they’d finish drying inside (one of the problems of not getting home until after dark every evening).
We were a little lost about what to do today. We’d originally considered heading in to town to walk around the shopping area (which Risa had already done a few times while I’d been busy working on the car) and then heading to one of Perth’s beaches. But, with the weather the way it was, there was no point.
AJ made a suggestion to Risa about visiting some local wineries, which sounded like a great plan – certainly better than sitting around indoors all day.
It was only a short drive to Midland, which I would have believed was a small country town in Victoria. Hard to believe how small Perth can be. We only drove through Midland, but the area looked beautiful and historic.
A little further north and we started to see all the barren vineyards, which I guess will soon be bursting into life. We drove around a little aimlessly, unsure where to stop. AJ knew of a brewery, Duckstein, not far from where we were, so we headed there. It was set up to look like a German beer tent, which made sense for German-style beers. AJ and Matt grabbed some beer tasting platters ($12 for five 90mL samplers) which contained all of their four regular beers (Pilsner, Dunkel, Hefeweiss and Alt Bier) as well as their seasonal beer. Risa and I snuck a sip of them all, and to me there was no real clear winner. They were all very good beer, all very easy to drink.
On the way to Duckstein we passed another small brewery, Mash Brewery. This was much more a modern brewery, very different to the German vibe of Duckstein. They sadly didn’t have a sampler platter, but they did sell 200mL pots of their regular beers. All the regular beers were there, and they were all good. Again, to me I didn’t have a favourite amongst them. A waiter, who I suspect may have been a brewmaster, saw that we were just drinking the regular beers, so he brought us some of the more leftfield ones to sample, including a smoky bacon one! Beers often talk of having a hint of chocolate, or berries, or some other flavour, but this beer certainly had a taste of bacon! I’m not a huge bacon fan, so it was nothing more than a novelty to me. The others had bacon for breakfast and weren’t really that keen on bacon beer, either.
We visited a few wineries, Little River and Ugly Duckling to name a few, where they did the wine tasting. I snuck a few quick sips/sniffs, but nothing really took my fancy. Risa got a lecture for drinking the red wines after having just drunk some sweet desert wines… The boys bought a few bottles and were more than a little merry by this stage in the afternoon.
Last stop was the Margaret River Chocolate Factory, which believe it or not, was opened by John Howard back in 2001. They had a huge range of different chocolates, including a curry flavoured one (which I have yet to sample). They also had giant bowls filled with milk/white/dark chocolate drops to sample. I have to be honest, I thought the chocolate in the sample bowls tasted a little plastic. But, it was another fun stop. Risa loved the chocolate ganache ice-cream, which I have to admit was the darkest/richest chocolate ice-cream I’ve ever tasted.
Dinner was okonomiyaki again, which is the forth time we’ve had this with friends (and nearly the second time in a week!). But, it’s always good, and a fun/easy meal to share with friends.
104日目 8月25日 (日) 愉快な仲間とスワンバリー ワイナリーツアー!
お次ぎもビール。ここは、見た目もスタイリッシュでちょっとおしゃれなMash Breweryという場所。
ここは、先程のようなテイスティングセットはないけれど、200mlの小さなグラスで販売していたので、ボーイズはそれを2種類ずつオーダー。 ここは、サイダー(りんごの発泡酒)も作っていたので、私は小さなサイダーをオーダー。 甘めが好きな私には、ちょっと辛口でしたが、フレッシュで美味しかったです。
そのうちの一つは、スモーキービールでなんとベーコンの味わいらしい。 興味深々で味わってみると、、、なんと本当にスモーキーでたしかにベーコンっぽいかも。 かなり濃い味なので一瓶は飲めなそうだけど、とってもオリジナルで話題になりそう。
お次ぎは、せっかくなのでワイナリーに行ってきました。 その前にもいくつか行ってみようとしたけど、ちょうど7、8月の冬の時期は、前年のワインが売り切れてて、お休みの場所がけっこう多く空いてなーい。
最初のワイナリーは、Little River Winery という場所。
ここはフランス人のブルノーさんという方が、フランス人らしくこだわってワインを作っているらしい。 私は、ワインもあまり好きな方じゃないけど、ワイナリーという空間が好きなので、ワイン好きな人と一緒にワイナリーでのテイスティングは楽しくて大好き。
ボーイズはお気に入りの赤ワインを2本購入してご満悦。 AJとマットはこの時点でかなりほろ酔いで、やたらはしゃいでます笑
次は、Ugly Ducklingというおもしろい名前のワイナリー。 ここでも甘いワインをテイスティングさせてもらったけど、どうも好みのものは見つからず。。 ボーイズはここでもロゼと赤を購入。
このチョコレート工場が最高だったー。マーガレットリバー チョコレートファクトリー。 なんとここには、ダーク、ホワイト、ミルク3種類の小さなチョコがそれぞれ大きなボールに入っていて、これが試食し放題!!
こんな最高な試食天国は、北海道きのこ王国以来で感動笑 もちろんたらふく喰ってきたー。 ロスくんは1つ$2、3のチョコを数個購入。私は、数ヶ月前に見た夢の中で友達と食べたチョコレートのアイスクリームまさにそのものなアイスを発見! これは神の思し召しと、もちろん頂きました。 黒に近い超濃厚なチョコレートのアイスクリーム、見た目通り濃厚でまさにずっと夢以来探し求めていたものそのもの! なんと最高な締めくくり♡
みんなで過ごす最後の夜。 今日は、AJのリクエストでお好み焼き!
すっかり彼らのお家で長居させてもらってしまって、お天気にも恵まれ、この旅自体がホリデーなんだけど、なんだかパースでとっても素敵なホリデーになりました☆ 街も海もキレイで、かわいらしいし、パースいつか
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